Monday, November 9, 2009

the holidaze monster.

Today's blog is going to be incredibly short. I have approximately 30 minutes in which i have to squeeze in writing this and taking a shower (yes, it's 5:30 and I haven't taken a shower... Liz Lemon would be proud) before Patty picks me up for cupcake night at Izzie's!!! yay!!! Izzie bought this cupcake book and thought it'd be cool if we made cute little cupcakes. You all know my motto by now, FUCK THAT! I decided I'm going to make the most hardcore erotic cupcakes and hopefully talk them into doing this professionally. How awesome would that be?! It'd be kind of like that show 'Weeds' without the pot... and the violence... unless like the customer is into that. I welcome all money!

Oh! Also, I'm being an asshole this Christmas and requesting tickets to Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, George Lopez (he has a talk show now?!) and Ellen Degeneres for the SOLE purpose of getting a free gift. I don't have any shame. I don't care who the guest is, I'll be waiting the whole hour for them to announce presents! I've timed it perfectly, the closest date to Christmas I could find for the shows was for the 23rd so wish me luck! You know what, blame the economy for my desperation. I WANT A FREE GIFT!!!

I totally just got a confirmation E-mail for an earlier request I had put it last week for tickets to Conan O'Brien for TOMORROW!!! OMG YAY!!!

and before i leave i just want to wish a heartfelt happy birthday to one of my best friends in this world, Jasmine! i love you bitch.

buffet lovers for life!!! : )

No time for extra robot parts today. Gotta book it!!!

This is happy time at night song! Here's Bag Raiders with 'Shooting Stars'!