Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Buffy Talk: Season 3

So I'm being completely nostalgic and watching the 3rd season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer [easily one of the most overlooked television shows, EVER!]. This season was perfect. Almost every episode raised the bar, the story lines were imaginative and everything led up to the perfect season finale. If I'd recommend a season for you to go out and buy/rent it would be this one. For the sake of good television! ...which is now extinct [nearly, ahem... LOST].


Ally said...

So I should get the 3rd season on DVD first? :D
..because.. I have no buffy at all :O

Kiwi said...

Ally: You should be ashamed. I wish I knew how to burn dvds.. I'd send them ALL to you, just for the decrease of world suck alone!!
Ben: I wuvs u and your Buffy-love. But please make the font of your blog bigger. I always have to apple plus it. Yeah, cray Mac talk over here.
Oh Buffy. What would my life be without that show?